August has arrived! Traditionally the month of vacations and getaways before the back-to-school rush, there are plenty of summer activities still left to experience! Here are 10 that we want to try ASAP...
1. Take a last-minute weekend trip. No plans? No schedule? No problem!
2. Make a list of all the countries and cities you want to visit. Then make a plan to see them all!
3. Try as many outdoor sports as you can! Soccer, tennis, swimming and football to name a few.
4. Make a new friend! Talk to someone you normally wouldn’t; you might have more in common than you think.
5. Make the most of National Relaxation Day on August 15. Zzzzzzzz.
6. Run a neighborhood lemonade stand. Bonus points if you choose a charity to share the profits with.
7. Have a hula hoop contest!
8. Buy new backpacks and stationary to start school in style.
9. Try a new fruit and make something unusual with it… starfruit sorbet anyone?
10. Enjoy every single summer moment because you’ll miss it until it comes round again next year.